Ever wondered about the story behind the story of the V&A Waterfront? Wonder no more.
The book The Waterfront Story tells the inside story of the V&A Waterfront’s development and success, as well as the challenges and pitfalls along the way.
The book’s website is at https://waterfront.capeinfo.com where you can see many sample pages and buy copies of the book and ebook.
It started as a State Owned Enterprise and is today a shining example of a public/private joint venture, owned by 1.2 million South Africans. It is the most valuable, most popular and the greenest property on the African continent. It is widely regarded as the best waterfront in the world and now aims to become the most inspiring.
The book analyses the reasons for the Waterfront’s success and the most important reason must be the vision and detailed planning that took place at the outset, back in 1989.