The StatsSA reports on Accommodation, Food and Beverage and Tourism performance in South Africa are showing continued signs of recovery for the tourism and hospitality sector.
While this is good news, the industry is still very much carrying the weight of COVID-19 lockdown and travel restrictions, with some major players are still cancelling services they used to use for years.
Please see below a breakdown of the latest figures for Tourist Accommodation and the Food & Beverages sectors for January 2022.
Key findings: Tourism and Migration January 2022
In January 2022, 1 201 647 travellers (arrivals, departures, and transits) passed through South Africa’s ports of entry/exit. They were made up of 399 936 South African residents and 801 711 foreign travellers. Foreign arrivals, 480 117 were made up of 49 915 non-visitors and 430 202 visitors. The visitors consisted of 52 551 same-day visitors and 377 651 overnight visitors (tourists). The breakdown of the tourists by region is as follows: 64 714 from overseas; 306 645 from the SADC countries; 5 795 from ‘other’ African countries and the country of residence of 497 tourists was classified as unspecified.
StatsSA Liquidations & Insolvencies reports for February 2022
Key findings: – Liquidations and insolvencies February 2022
The total number of liquidations decreased by 10,1% in February 2022 compared with February 2021. Liquidations of close corporations decreased by 21 cases, while liquidations of companies increased by 3 cases during this period.
The total number of liquidations decreased by 11,3% in the three months ended February 2022 compared with the three months ended February 2021.
Liquidations & Insolvencies- Full publication –
Key findings: – Tourist Accommodation January 2022
Measured in nominal terms (current prices), total income for the tourist accommodation industry increased by 120,6% in January 2022 compared with January 2021.
Income from accommodation increased by 65,4% year-on-year in January 2022, the result of a 44,6% increase in the number of stay unit nights sold and a 14,4% increase in the average income per stay unit night sold.
In January 2022, the largest contributors to the 65,4% year-on-year increase in income from accommodation were:
- hotels (112,2% and contributing 47,0 percentage points); and
- other accommodation (26,4% and contributing 12,9 percentage points).
Income from accommodation increased by 40,1% in the three months ended January 2022 compared with the three months ended January 2021. The main contributors to this increase were:
- hotels (65,5% and contributing 30,1 percentage points); and
- other accommodation (15,3% and contributing 7,0 percentage points).
Seasonally adjusted income from accommodation decreased by 5,4% month-on-month in January 2022. Negative month-on-month growth rates were recorded for:
- hotels (-7,2%); and
- other accommodation (-5,9%).
Tourist accommodation – Full publication
Key findings: – Food and Beverage January 2022
Year-on-year percentage change in food and beverages income at constant 2015 prices by type of income
Measured in real terms (constant 2015 prices), total income generated by the food and beverages industry increased by 50,4% in January 2022 compared with January 2021. The largest annual growth rate was recorded for bar sales (174,1%).
Year-on-year percentage change in food and beverages income at constant 2015 prices by type of enterprise
In January 2022, the main contributors to the 50,4% year-on-year increase were:
- restaurants and coffee shops (74,6% and contributing 33,8 percentage points); and
- takeaway and fast-food outlets (35,7% and contributing 14,0 percentage points).
Food and beverages income at constant 2015 prices for the latest three months by type of enterprise
Total income increased by 25,7% in the three months ended January 2022 compared with the three months ended January 2021. The main contributors to this increase were:
- restaurants and coffee shops (25,3% and contributing 13,0 percentage points); and
- takeaway and fast-food outlets (31,3% and contributing 10,6 percentage points).
Seasonally adjusted income for the food and beverages industry increased by 5,9% in January 2022 compared with December 2021. This followed month-on-month changes of -5,2% in December 2021 and 0,0% in November 2021.
Food & Beverage – Full publication