Kruger Shalati is the feature in the new Apple TV series, The Reluctant Traveller which launched 24 February 2023, and is already the second most viewed series on the platform while only streaming for 4 days.
To put it in perspective: The number of Apple TV + paid subscribers, according to, amounted to an estimated 25 million as at March 2022 (most definitely much higher now!). Additionally, there were around 50 million users worldwide that access the SVOD platform via promotions as the service is available for free for one year with the purchase of new Apple devices. Also in consideration is that every subscriber can family share their account with up to 5 people.
The series focuses on some of the world’s most unique destinations with award-winning Actor/comedian Eugene Levy (from Shitts Creek and American Pie) as ‘the reluctant traveller’. Only 8 locations around the world were selected and a full episode of the destination which was shot and produced over the last couple of months, is now live to all Apple TV plus subscribers.
Episode 6 is based solely on South Africa and centred around Kruger Shalati, and showcases the importance of conservation alongside the uniqueness of the property in a quirky but fun interpretation with Eugene’s dead-pan response to the experiences.
We are extremely excited that Kruger Shalati in the Kruger National Park was the only location selected on the African continent for this exclusive feature.
Below is a link to a media folder of the content Apple TV has sent us (credit to Apple TV Plus) as well as a few articles about the show over the last few days.
Get behind Kruger Shalati and help showcase the episode to gain even higher viewership and encourage the Apple TV subscribers to visit our beautiful country.
For more information follow the links below:
Link to pics and video clips:
Links to articles on the show: